Trempealeau County Outdoors: ATV/UTV Safety 4/1/21

On this episode of Trempealeau County Outdoors, Host Drew Douglas talks about ATV/UTV with Conservation Warden Andrew Johnson. Drew also talks with Conservation Warden Meghan Johnson and R.N. Bri Rotering about Trempealeau County crash statistics. We also gain insight into becoming a conservation warden with the Wisconsin DNR.

  1945 Hits

December 15th Trail Update: Eisenbahn in Washington County Enters Winter Season

Effective December 15th the Eisenbahn State Trail is open in Washington County for ATV/UTV operation. Changes to trail opening/closing will be posted as temp. change. Please remember to always check the Fond du Lac County hotline for trail opening/closings prior to entering Fond du Lac county. Trail will open when the daily high for the day is 28 degrees or less until March 15th, assuming the ground is already frozen. Enjoy, stay safe, legal, and remember the trail is a shared use trail with snowmobiles and non-motorized activities.

Make sure to check out the Kettle Moraine ATV Association's page ( as they post Eisenbahn trail status.

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December 14th 2020 Trail Updates for Jackson & Burnett Counties

Jackson County Is Set to Open for Winter Riding on December 15th 

Photo by Jackson County Parks & Trails

Originally posted on:

The Jackson County ATV Trails will open TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15!

Snowmobile trails remain closed until we get snow. 

A reminder that only ATVs are allowed in Jackson County during the winter riding season. Get out and enjoy the trails!

More information can be found here:{072A7209-631D-4450-A14C-CA69A56BD820}

Burnett County Frozen Ground System Update


We do not have enough snow cover to open our snow trails, and some swamps are not yet frozen. However, the MAJORITY of the Frozen Ground ATV Trail System is open, with the exception of trail 130 and the portion of trail 151 running from trail 45 to 118 due to swamplands.

Frozen Ground Trails are marked with GREEN blazers and are shown on the back of the snowmobile map. You may also find the map under "Trail Rules, Maps and Licensing Information" on our website. Only registered machines meeting the state definition of an ATV or UTV are allowed on this trail system.

All ATVs and UTVs must display either a Wisconsin registration or an ATV trail pass to ride on our trails. Only machines meeting the state definition of an ATV/UTV are allowed on these trails. Please follow this link for the state definitions and registration/pass information.

Some township ordinances allow for ATV/UTV use of the town roads and others do NOT allow it. It is the rider's responsibility to contact the township in which you plan to ride in and get the current rules pertaining to ATVs/UTVs and the town roads. Please follow this link for contact information for the individual townships for their rules and regulations.

NO OFF TRAIL USE IS ALLOWED - Please stay on the trails. Much of our trail system is on private land, and we appreciate the easements granted by our generous land owners. It only takes one person to have the entire trail system shut down.

Caution: Trail maintenance vehicles may be on the trails at any time. Also please watch for signage warning of logging activity. Trucks may be crossing trails.

It is your responsibility to know where you are and whose property you are on. Please be careful, be respectful to other trail users, and ride safely.

For specific information on our trails, follow these links:
ATV/UTV Trails
Maps, Rules, and Pass & Licensing Information


Trail 130
Trail 151 from trail 45 to 118

Contact Information:

If you need any maps other than what we have here on our website, or if you need any other information, please contact Burnett County Tourism at 1-800-788-3164 or feel free to email them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Maps are also available at many local businesses.

  2351 Hits

Lancaster Area Chamber of Commerce Warns About Scam (Grant County - Southern Wisconsin)

Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Lancaster Area Chamber of Commerce is warning businesses in the Grant County area about a scam.

A company called Hometown Productions out of Texas recently has been approaching local businesses asking them to purchase ads in a "new ATV/UTV map for Grant County". The maps have contact information for the Lancaster Chamber on them. Hometown Productions has NO affiliation with the Chamber.

Please help the Chamber spread the word to the rest of the County's business owners that if you receive anything from Hometown Productions or a phone call from them, that it is a scam and they are in no way affiliated with the Lancaster Area Chamber of Commerce. We support our Grant County Clubs who do a great job in providing us with a local ATV/UTV map.

  3335 Hits

Burnett County: Winter Trails remain closed

Image by Craig Lehman


As the Natural Resources Committee has chosen to do for many years now, keeping safety in mind, Burnett County will NOT open any Winter ATV or snowmobile recreational trails for our December 1 through March 31 riding season until after all gun deer hunting seasons. There is a muzzleloader season and also an antlerless deer season through December 13. The earliest we might be able to open ANY of these winter ATV or snowmobile trails will be on December 14. (This includes all Frozen Ground Trails.)

During this time, our Fall Riding Regulations are still in effect. If you choose to ride on Burnett County Forest Lands, please consider wearing blaze orange as you are riding at your own risk - see regulations below.

(Please read all information below)

Beginning Wednesday, September 16, State-funded trails will be CLOSED. HOWEVER, from September 16 through November 30 the Burnett County Forest woods trails and forest roads are open for ATV/UTV use. What this means is that you can ride your registered ATV/UTV on any woods trail, snowmobile trail, and ATV trail that is located on County Forest Lands and is not bermed, gated, or signed as closed; and is at least eight feet wide. (A good rule of thumb is that if you can drive a truck down the trail, then you can take your ATV/UTV down it.) No off-trail use is allowed and operation on private lands is illegal unless you have permission from the private landowner.

It is very important to note that all of these trails are currently multi-use trails. This means that ANY street legal, licensed vehicle can use these trails during this time, (cars or trucks for example). It's also important to note that these trails are no longer being maintained during this time of year. For these reasons, the State-Funded Summer Use ATV Trail System is officially closed, even though you can still ride the majority of these same trails because they are located on County Forest Lands and township roads that currently allow for the use of ATV/UTVs during this time of year.

Remember, it is illegal to ride your ATV/UTV on the Gandy Dancer Trail in Burnett County south of Highway 77 at this time of year.


Use caution and look for signage regarding timber sale activity. Trucks may be crossing trails.

All ATVs and UTVs must display either a Wisconsin registration or an ATV trail pass to ride on our trails. Only machines meeting the state definition of an ATV/UTV are allowed on these trails. Please go to the WI DNR website for definitions and registration/pass information.

Some township ordinances allow for ATV/UTV use of the town roads and others do NOT allow it. It is the rider's responsibility to contact the township in which you plan to ride in and get the current rules pertaining to ATVs/UTVs and the town roads.

NO OFF TRAIL USE IS ALLOWED - Please stay on the trails. Much of our trail system is on private land, and we appreciate the easements granted by our generous land owners. It only takes one person to have the entire trail system shut down.

Caution: Trail maintenance vehicles may be on the trails at any time.

It is your responsibility to know where you are and whose property you are on. Please be careful, be respectful to other trail users, and ride safely.

Contact Information

If you need any maps, or if you need any other information, please contact Burnett County Tourism at 1-800-788-3164 or feel free to email them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

To contact Burnett County Forest & Parks, please visit their website at

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