Currently ALL of Douglas County trails are open.

Please check the attached map for which trails are currently open. It is critical that we respect the landowners who allow us to utilize their property, so please verify that the trail you intend to use is open at this time.

We will provide updates as conditions change. Deer have been reported on trails so keep an eye out while traveling.

Please share this info with anyone that you believe would be interested…our goal is to inform as many trail riders as possible so they can adjust their plans as needed to avoid the closed portion.

I have attached a trail map which outlines the open trails.


Trial 5 Groomed

Trial 5A Groomed

Trail 930 Groomed

Trail 935 Groomed

Trail 835 Groomed

Trial 925 Groomed

Trial 9 Groomed


Trail 35 (WRT) Grooming later this week

Trail 35 (WRT Groomed 27b south

Trail 27B Groomed

Trail 27C Groomed

Trail41S Groomed

Trail 41B Groomed

Trail 217 Groomed

Trail 727 Groomed

Trail 17N Groomed

Trail 17S Grooming Thursday– Use caution on Creek crossings (South of Lower Eau Claire Lake)

Trail 7 Grooming later this week

Trail 27 Grooming later this week

Trail 3 Groomed

Trail 5 Groomed

Trail 41 WRT to the warming Shack Groomed(Watch for Logging)

Trail 541 Not Groomed (Watch for uneven Trail Surface)

NE Quadrant Open Trails

All Trails Are Open

All funded Brule River Riders trails have been groomed since the weekend except 35 (WRT) and 235. Both trails are expected to be groomed shortly.

635 has been groomed twice and will be groomed on an as needed basis.

Trail 4 between Hwy D and Trail 24 has a large logging operation that has turned a little nasty with the warm weather.

The logging area can be detoured around using Trail 6 and the South Shore Grade Road.

Caution Watch for logging:
On the west end of Trail 6.
On Trail 4 between Trail 6 and Hwy P.
On Trail 4 between Hwy D and Trail 24.


Gandy Dancer Trail Groomed (watch for deer crossing trail between Moen Rd and BB)

Saunders Grade Groomed

Wrenshall Grade Grooming tomorrow

Trail 0 Grooming tomorrow

Trail 28 Groomed

The Cross town connector Groomed

4/41 From the Warming shack west Groomed

Trail 4 Groomed

Douglas County Ski Trails

The service roads and parking lots are plowed. The Ski Trails where Groomed Friday January 24th. Ski Trails will be reassessed and potentially groomed before the weekend.

This report was prepared February 4th, 2020.

Please enjoy and Ride safe!

Clint Meyer

Park and Recreation Supervisor

Douglas County Forestry Department

9182 East Hughes Ave.

Solon Springs, WI. 54873

Phone: (715) 378-2219

Fax: (715) 378-2807

Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  2576 Hits

E-Newsletter: Annual meeting and Legislation update

Hello WAVTA members!
We have two updates for you.
Annual Meeting update:Registration is now open for the April workshops being hosted in Stevens Point. We're sharing the conference center with others in our motorized community so the rooms are filling fast (see instructions on page). Also know there are other hotels in the general area if the block is filled!

Current ATV Legislation update:
Our omnibus legislative package has been voted out of the Senate Committee with a majority vote, the leadership in the Senate now determines when/if it will be heard on the Senate floor. On the Assembly side, this coming Tuesday (2/4/20) the Transportation Committee has tentatively scheduled an exec session to do the same for the Assembly bill.

Feel free to review and contact your state lawmaker, asking them to support it when the vote is brought forward.

We hope to see you in April, the workshops are coming together nicely, we're getting more vendors on board, the cost of the meals have been greatly reduced / subsidized, thanks to a number of dealers we'll be promoting soon.

The Friday evening setting is a casual reception this year, we've rented more of the conference rooms, it will be an opportunity to mingle with others in our motorized community as well as ATV UTV clubs from around the state.

Saturday morning starts early, we have a full day of educational workshops, be sure to bring as many from your club or area as possible in case you want to split up to take in the different sessions then compare notes later.

Saturday evening is our awards banquet and more socializing opportunities. We hope you can stay and help us recognize the champions of our sport!

For those staying for Sunday morning, we've found this setting to be a perfect time and opportunity to share ideas from the floor. The past few years we've found this Sunday morning session to be quite helpful to all in attendance.

Whether you make it for one day, two days or all three, we hope to see you in Stevens Point!

Register today: 

  1953 Hits


Douglas County received a couple inches of snow this past weekend! Currently ALL of Douglas County trails are open and are in Great Condition and Groomed with a few exceptions.

Please check the attached map for which trails are currently open. It is critical that we respect the landowners who allow us to utilize their property, so please verify that the trail you intend to use is open at this time.

We will provide updates as conditions change. Deer have been reported on trails so keep an eye out while traveling.

Please share this info with anyone that you believe would be interested…our goal is to inform as many trail riders as possible so they can adjust their plans as needed to avoid the closed portion.

I have attached a trail map which outlines the open trails.


  • Trial 5 Groomed
  • Trial 5A Groomed
  • Trail 930 Groomed
  • Trail 935 Not Groomed
  • Trail 835 Groomed
  • Trial 925 Groomed
  • Trial 9 Groomed


  • Trail 35 (WRT) Groomed
  • Trail 35 (WRT Groomed
  • Trail 27B Groomed
  • Trail 27C Groomed
  • Trail41S Groomed
  • Trail 41B Groomed
  • Trail 217 Groomed
  • Trail 727 Groomed
  • Trail 17N Groomed
  • Trail 17S Groomed– Use caution on Creek crossings (South of Lower Eau Claire Lake)
  • Trail 7 Groomed
  • Trail 27 Groomed
  • Trail 3 Groomed
  • Trail 5 Groomed
  • Trail 41 WRT to the warming Shack Groomed(Watch for Logging)
  • Trail 541 Not Groomed (Watch for uneven Trail Surface)

NE Quadrant Open Trails

All Trails Are Open

All Trails have been groomed since the weekend.

Most trails have been re-groomed a second time since the weekend.
Trails are in very good to excellent condition with a good base.
The logging job between Hwy D and Trail 24 is addressing the wet corner between D and 24. This section will be bumpy but is passible just keep an eye out for the logging trucks.
Trail 235 has some large ice chunks through the Box Culvert under the freeway and is a little bumpy.

Caution Watch for logging:
On the west end of Trail 6.
On Trail 4 between Trail 6 and Hwy P.
On Trail 4 between Hwy D and Trail 24.


  • Gandy Dancer Trail Groomed (watch for deer crossing trail between Moen Rd and BB)
  • Saunders Grade Groomed
  • Wrenshall Grade Groomed
  • Trail 0 Groomed
  • Trail 28 Groomed
  • The Cross town connector Groomed
  • 4/41 From the Warming shack west Groomed
  • Trail 4 Groomed

Douglas County Ski Trails

The service roads and parking lots are plowed. The Ski Trails where Groomed Friday January 24th and are still in good condition.

This report was prepared January 31, 2020.

Please enjoy and Ride safe!

Clint Meyer

Park and Recreation Supervisor

Douglas County Forestry Department

9182 East Hughes Ave.

Solon Springs, WI. 54873

Phone: (715) 378-2219

Fax: (715) 378-2807

Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  1717 Hits

Gov. Evers Appoints Marcy West to Natural Resources Board

MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today announced his appointment of Marcy West of La Farge, Wisconsin to serve on the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board. 

"With her years of service to the state of Wisconsin and various conservation and environmental organizations, Marcy West will be an excellent addition to the Natural Resources Board," said Gov. Evers. "I am confident she will serve the Board well as she has dedicated her career to the preservation of Wisconsin's one-of-a-kind natural resources."

For the past 23 years, West has served as the executive director of Kickapoo Valley Reserve. Prior to that, she worked as a coordinator for the Wisconsin Federation of Cooperatives and as the executive director of the Wisconsin Land Conservation Association Inc. She received her degree in Natural Resource Management from the University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point.

This appointment fills a vacancy created by the resignation of Fred Clark. West will serve the remainder of the unexpired term that ends May 1, 2025.

​Want to learn more about the Natural Resources Board? Check out the following link:

  2700 Hits

Large off-road vehicles could force ATV trails to close​


Large off-road vehicles could force ATV trails to close -

A task force is recommending limiting the size of ATVs allowed on the state's trails, but that might not be enough to keep some corridors from closing.

The article above discusses how a wider ATV (or UTV) could be forcing land closures in central Maine.  When the wider UTV was introduced to Wisconsin, WATVA worked with county land managers to determine the 65" width. Based on those early discussions, land managers widened trails and gates to accommodate the 65". Over the past few years, WATVA leadership has talked with land managers and club leadership on the 65" rule. It would be not be in the states favor to increase that, as it would require extensive infrastructure changes on our trail system. 

Lately, there have been a few UTV models that have pushed beyond the 65" rule. Ensure that your machine does not exceed 65" before making a purchase or before heading out on the trail. There have been a few cases of registration paperwork being submitted to DNR that "fudge" registration details to hide the fact the machine is manufactured with a width greater than 65". If you fall into this category, you might receive a letter when it comes time to renew stating your machine isn't compliant and they will not accept any renewal registration for your machine. 

  2450 Hits