Rice Lake looks to expand ATV/UTV access

Rice Lake officials are considering opening more streets to ATV/UTV traffic.

At its June 23 meeting the City Council voted to create a plan designating what streets will be open to ATVs.

Currently, ATVs are allowed on only some sections of Pioneer Avenue, South Street, Macauley Avenue, North Street and Lakeshore Drive.

As ATV/UTV trail riding increase in popularity, more local communities have expanded street access to riders in recent years.

Pete Schneider, president of the Rice Lake Snow & Dirt Club, said the club would like to see the City adopt state guideline on ATV routes, with a level of access similar to other local communities.

More than a dozen people spoke during public comment, encouraging more access to streets.

Many said it was burdensome to have to trailer their ATVs a short distance just to access the Wild Rivers Trail. Many also argued that more access would boost tourism to hotels, restaurants, bars and other businessses.

"Rice Lake serves as more of a complement of convenience, rather than a destination," said Rice Lake resident Shawn McKeever.

He said that Rice Lake is missing out on economic impact, being "a cornerstone of several great trail systems."

Bob Moullette and Nicky Repka, respresenting Rice Lake Tourism Commission, said the commission favored expanding ATV access in Rice Lake.

Repka said that because so many events have been cancelled due to COVID-19, Rice Lake Tourism is marketing more local recreational opportunities, including ATV/UTV trail riding.

Chip Lewis, owner of Airtec Sports, said the presence of four ATV/UTV dealerships in Rice Lake was representative of their popularity.

"It's kind of a big thing here. You can travel all over Wisconsin from this point," said Lewis.

The issue was brought to the Council in by Alderman Todd Larson and Doug Edwardsen, both of whom said they are not ATVers but support expanded routes.

"I'd like people to have access without having to trailer half a block or having to confess driving down an alley," said Larson.

Alderman Harlan Dodge questioned if a city of Rice Lake's size should be compared to nearby smaller communities when it comes to ATV routes.

"I think we need to watch what roads we open, and how (ATVs) cross Main Street," said Dodge. "We want to have what's safest for ATV users and auto users."

Originally Story at the link below.  

  2270 Hits

Polaris Donates More Than $110,000 to Off-Road Organizations with T.R.A.I.L.S Grants

MINNEAPOLIS, MN. (June 8, 2020) – Today, Polaris Inc. (NYSE: PII), announced it donated more than $110,000 to off-road and all-terrain vehicles (ATV) organizations across the United States as part of its ongoing T.R.A.I.L.S Grant Program. The 12 nonprofit organizations that were awarded a Spring 2020 T.R.A.I.L.S grant received awards ranging from $3,500 to $10,000. The grants will support the development, improvement and expansion of trails, and help educate riders on safe and responsible riding practices. "These local organizations and clubs are made up of passionate volunteers and riders who love our sport – they are truly the lifeblood of the off-roading community with a genuine desire to help create a safe and enjoyable experience for all those looking to get out and ride," said Steve Menneto, president of Off-Road at Polaris. "The T.R.A.I.L.S Grants Program is our way to help support their efforts and show our appreciation for their passion and dedication."

The Spring 2020 T.R.A.I.L.S Grants recipients are:

  • Exeter Explorers ATV Club (Exeter, Maine)
  • Garland Trail Hawks ATV Club (Garland, Maine)
  • Roxbury ATV Riders Club (Roxbury, Maine)
  • Upper Peninsula Recreational Off-Road ATV Riders (Kingsford, Michigan)
  • Trail Prospectors Alliance (Ely, Minnesota)
  • Range Trail Committee (Virginia, Minnesota)
  • Ephratah ATV Trail Monitors (Johnstown, New York)
  • Pennsylvania ATV Trail Development Corporation (Wampum, Pennsylvania)
  • Vermont ATV Sportsmans Association Inc (Barre, Vermont)
  • Southwest Recreation Regional Authority (SRRA) DBA Spearhead Trails (Coeburn, Virginia)
  • Baraboo Bluffs ATV/UTV Club Inc. (Baraboo, Wisconsin)
  • Nokomis ATV Club (Heafford Junction, Wisconsin)

"Now more than ever, our riding community is looking to the outdoors for a fun escape and off-road riding is an experience that can be enjoyed while still allowing people their space in these uncertain times," said Nick Wognum, president of the Prospectors Trail Alliance. "In partnership with two other clubs, the Prospectors Alliance helps manage more than 250 miles of Minnesota's trail system. We are already seeing more and more riders out on the trails as the weather gets nicer and thanks to Polaris this grant will enable us to help keep the trails properly maintained, well-marked, and clear of obstacles."

Since its inception in 2006, Polaris' T.R.A.I.L.S Grants program has provided funding to national, state and local organizations in the United States to help support the future of ATV, snowmobiling and off-road riding. The T.R.A.I.L.S Grant program covers two main objectives: promoting safe and responsible riding and supporting environmental preservations and trail access. Organizations may use funds from the grant to increase and maintain land access through trail development, maintenance projects, safety and education initiatives, and other projects.

To date, the program has supported 305 ATV, off-road and snowmobiling organizations with more than $2.6 million in grants. Visit the T.R.A.I.L.S Grant program website for more information and to apply for a future grant.

About Polaris

As the global leader in Powersports, Polaris Inc. (NYSE: PII) pioneers product breakthroughs and enriching experiences and services that have invited people to discover the joy of being outdoors since our founding in 1954. With annual 2019 sales of $6.8 billion, Polaris' high-quality product line-up includes the Polaris RANGER, RZR and GENERAL side-by-side off-road vehicles; Sportsman all-terrain off-road vehicles; Indian Motorcycle mid-size and heavyweight motorcycles; Slingshot moto-roadsters; snowmobiles; and deck, cruiser and pontoon boats, including industry-leading Bennington pontoons. Polaris enhances the riding experience with parts, garments and accessories, along with a growing aftermarket portfolio, including Transamerican Auto Parts. Polaris' presence in adjacent markets includes military and commercial off-road vehicles, quadricycles, and electric vehicles. Proudly headquartered in Minnesota, Polaris serves more than 100 countries across the globe. www.polaris.com.

Media Contact:

Erika Frederick
(763) 417-8673
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  2110 Hits

Wisconsin State Park System Updates

Wisconsin State Park campgrounds opening June 10. / Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will reopen state campgrounds on Wednesday, June 10 with special conditions to ensure the safety of staff and visitors.

Some of the changes that campers and park visitors will experience beginning June 10 include:

  • Automatic touchless check-in.
  • New signs to educate visitors on recreating responsibly.
  • Park offices will remain closed to the public.


  • Camping reservations will be accepted by phone (1-888-947-2757) and online only to eliminate face to face interaction with DNR staff.
  • Same-day camping reservations are also now available by phone (1-888-947-2757) and the online reservation system.
  • Check-in is no longer necessary at the office or visitor station when coming to a property. Please proceed directly to your campsite and begin setup. Property staff will visit sites to monitor occupancy.
  • Campers should note that Rock Island State Park remains closed through June 30. The Washington Island Ferry Line has also currently suspended all trips to and from Rock Island.
  • Camping reservations for June 8 or 9 will be canceled and refunded; if reservations for a longer stay begin on June 8/9 and extend beyond June 10 your arrival will automatically be adjusted to June 10.


  • Group camping, shelters, and amphitheaters will be closed through June 30.
  • All reservation holders will be contacted and provided a full refund.


  • Most restrooms at state properties are now open.
  • Some remote water fountains may be closed in the day use area of the park or have the bubbler turned off and have access to the water spigot only.
  • All other facilities will remain closed, including towers, shelters, playgrounds, nature centers, headquarters, contact stations, and concessions.
  • Equipment rentals are unavailable at this time.


  • Firewood is not available at state parks at this time and should be purchased before campers arrive.
  • Campers are reminded that certified firewood that has been properly heat-treated or aged to kill any infesting pests or diseases to protect Wisconsin's trees must be purchased within 10 miles of their camping location


  • Annual park stickers and trail passes are required to visit state parks and trails.
  • Annual stickers are available for purchase online or with credit card by phone 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. seven days a week by calling toll free: 1-888-305-0398.
  • Annual trail and daily passes are NOT available for purchase at individual properties. Visitors must have an annual admission sticker adhered to their vehicle or proof of purchase for entry.
  • Once proof of purchase is shown, visitors must place proof of purchase on the dash of the windshield while parked within the boundary of the property.
  • The 2020 annual vehicle admission sticker is valid through Dec. 31, 2020.
  • Annual state trail pass is required for anyone age 16 or older biking, cross-country skiing, horseback riding or in-line skating on certain trails. A state trail pass is NOT required for walking or hiking. The annual trail passes are valid through Dec. 31 of the year they are issued.


  • Due to high demand, many properties will likely reach their pre-determined capacity limits. When this happens, properties will close until existing visitors leave, and capacity is reduced.
  • Visitors are encouraged to explore other DNR recreation areas or visit during non-peak hours before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m.
  • The following State Natural Areas remain closed: Pewits Nest, Parfrey's Glen, Dells of the Wisconsin River, Gibraltar Rock.
  • Popular attractions within state parks, including beaches, where social distancing cannot be achieved may close as needed.


  • All events and special event permits are canceled through June 30.
  • Volunteer activities will also follow the Bounce Back Plan and be permitted on a case-by-case basis depending on group size and whether the activity can be done maintaining 6 feet of space between volunteers.

The DNR urges state park visitors to do their part when visiting DNR properties. Most Wisconsin state parks, forests and other day-use areas do not have garbage or recycling bins. When you visit, please take your garbage and recyclables home with you. We all play a vital role in taking care of our natural resources. Following the Leave No Trace principles helps protect the land for generations to come. Fight the Bite! Ticks are out, and visitors should take precautions to prevent Lyme Disease.

Visitors are reminded to practice social distancing of 6 feet, refrain from congregating in large groups, travel only within your home communities and follow all existing state park rules and guidelines. Visitors are also encouraged to wear masks in situations where social distancing is difficult.

The DNR continues to receive the most up-to-date information and will adjust operations as conditions change. We will also continue to monitor on-the-ground circumstances each day to determine additional conditions that may become necessary. Before visiting other properties, please check with individual parks regarding changes to park operations.

For specific information regarding COVID-19 we encourage the public to frequently monitor the DHS website for updates, and to follow @DHSWI on Facebook and Twitter, or dhs.wi on Instagram. Additional information can be found on the CDC website.

  2149 Hits

6/4/2020 Flambeau Trail Update

Brushing has wrapped up on the trails and they are looking great. Wildlife has been very active too, with lots of new fawns being spotted on the trails. 

USFS crews are planning on replacing the culvert at Clover Creek on trail 118C-101 in mid to late June. 

During this construction the trail will be closed from FR 533 to trail 118K, with traffic being detoured on trail 118H-121. The trail will be signed with maps when the construction is taking place. 

Beavers have still been active on the trails and crews have been working diligently on removing the beavers and the dams. If you see water going over the trail, or any other issues or concerns, please contact Brady Howe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call 715-762-5104.

  2502 Hits

Wisconsin State Parks To Adjust Operations

 State Parks To Lengthen Hours, Reopen Select Restrooms And Extend Campground Closures

Wisconsin State Parks are adjusting operations. / Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR

MADISON, Wis. – In accordance with public health guidelines and safety recommendations, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is modifying current operations to maintain the safest environment for visitors and staff.

Beginning Saturday, May 23, all Wisconsin state park system properties will return to regular operating hours of 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. seven days a week. Properties will no longer be closed Wednesdays.

In addition, a limited number of day-use area restrooms at park properties will reopen for public use beginning Wednesday, June 3. Visitors are reminded to plan ahead as well as bring hand sanitizer in the event it is not available at facilities.

All group, family and indoor group campsites will remain closed through June 7. All events and shelter reservations will also be canceled through June 7. Permit and reservation holders will be contacted and provided a full refund. The status of events, reservations and camping after June 7 is currently under review.

Rock Island State Park is closed to all use, including camping, until July 1. According to the ferry operator, ferry service to and from the island is on hold until further notice due to high lake levels and pending guidelines for both State Park and vessel operations during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

The following properties will remain closed for the health and safety of the public, staff, and property integrity:

  • Dells of The Wisconsin River State Natural Area
  • Gibraltar Rock State Natural Area
  • Parfrey's Glen state Natural area
  • Pewits Nest state Natural area

The priority continues to be the safety and health of our visitors and staff and we still ask the public to continue recreating responsibly close to home, practicing social distancing, frequently washing their hands, and only traveling for necessity. The DNR will continue to turn the dial on additional outdoor recreation opportunities, amenities and services at our state park system properties. Visitors are also encouraged to wear face coverings in situations where social distancing may be difficult. This may apply to outdoor spaces as well.

As we move into the holiday weekend be mindful of the following:

  • An annual park sticker or trail pass is required to visit state parks and trails which can be purchased online or by calling 1-888-305-0398 daily 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • All restrooms are closed through June 2
  • Temporary capacity restrictions will be put into place as needed to manage admissions and overcrowding at properties. View current property information before visiting here: Wisconsin State Park Capacity Updates.
  • Attractions at which social distancing cannot be achieved are closed at various properties; visit the park notices webpage for information about ongoing closures.
  • All other facilities currently closed such as towers, shelters, playgrounds, nature centers, headquarters, entrance stations and concession buildings remain closed to the public.
  • Fight the Bite! Ticks are out, and visitors should take precautions to prevent Lyme Disease.

The DNR urges visitors to do their part when visiting state parks. Most Wisconsin state parks, forests and other day-use areas do not have garbage or recycling bins. When you visit, you will need to take your garbage and recyclables home with you. We all play a vital role in taking care of our natural resources. Following the Leave No Trace principles helps protect the land for generations to come.

The DNR continues to receive the most up-to-date information and will adjust operations as conditions change. We will also continue to monitor on-the-ground circumstances each day to determine if additional changes may become necessary. Before visiting other properties, please check with individual parks regarding changes to park operations.

For specific information regarding the COVID-19 we encourage the public to frequently monitor the DHS website for updates, and to follow @DHSWI on Facebook and Twitter, or dhs.wi on Instagram. Additional information can be found on the CDC website.

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  2568 Hits