Oconto County Snowmobile Alliance Donates to Local Ambulance and Rescue Services

The Oconto County Snowmobile Alliance (OCSA), which is made up of the nine snowmobile clubs in the county, is donating $5,000 to the local Ambulance Services and Rescue Squads that serve Oconto County snowmobile trails. Bagley-Brazeau Joyriders, Chase Sno-Chasers, Chute Pond Snowmobile Club, Gillett Sno & ATV Riders, Iron Snow Shoe Recreation Trails, Lena Snow Drifters, Oconto Falls Sno-Jokers, Paul Bunyan Riders, and Red Arrow Snowmobile ATV Club representatives will be presenting $500 donations to each of the ten Ambulance Services and Rescue Squads that respond to medical emergencies that occur on the 480 miles of snowmobile trails in Oconto County.

According to Oconto County Snowmobile Alliance President Dan Guendert, "Safety on the trails is of utmost concern to us. Our clubs work diligently to make sure there is proper signage on the trails to maximize rider safety and enjoyment. Trail grooming is also done to provide a smooth, safe riding surface. But, in spite of all precautions, accidents do happen- and we're proud to be able to support the agencies that respond to those situations. "

The nine snowmobile clubs in Oconto County work together as the OCSA to provide safe and well groomed trails for snowmobilers, as well as publishing the Oconto County snowmobile trail map. To learn more, please follow us on Facebook- Oconto County Snowmobile Alliance.

  1668 Hits

DNR Stewardship Local Assistance Grant Opportunities


To the many partners of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), I am writing to announce the 2020 Grant Program Guidance for Stewardship Local Assistance Grants, Federal Land and Water Conservation Program grants, and Federal Recreational Trails Program is now available at https://dnr.wi.gov/topic/Stewardship/Grants/ApplyLUG.html.Applications for the following grants will be accepted through May 1, 2020:

Knowles-Nelson Stewardship local assistance grant programs
  • Aids for the Acquisition and Development of Local Parks (ADLP)
  • Urban Green Space (UGS) grants
  • Urban Rivers (UR) grants
  • Acquisition of Development Rights (ADR)
Federal recreation grant programs
  • Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)
  • Recreational Trails Program (RTP)

Please note, Internet Explorer should be used to open the DNR application forms.

If you have any questions, please contact your local Grant Specialist or Pam Rood, DNR Grant Manager, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Pam Rood
Grant Manager, Bureau of Facilities and Lands

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 

  1758 Hits

Increase Funding for Recreational Trails and Annual Meeting Update

Hello WAVTA members!
We have a few updates for you.

First of all, an update about our STATE legislative changes. Our thanks to the many members who emailed, called and reached out to our state lawmakers, our large package of requested changes passed both houses this week


We still have to wait for the governor to sign the bill before it becomes law, that process can take anywhere from 30 to 45 days or thereabouts. Our bill passed on the last day of the session, for that we are very fortunate. We will be debriefing members at the upcoming annual meeting as well as at our regional rides and meetings this summer. Remember, part of this change increases maintenance rates WITHOUT RAISING ANY REGISTRATION FEES!

Below please read about a new FEDERAL law proposal, which we also use here in Wisconsin as part of the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) funding program. This is separate from our state funding platform. The main issue with the current formula that funds this has to do with outdated gas tax usage formula. If this federal bill could get passed, it would bring more trail dollars into the RTP, again without increasing any fees.

Please see one of the ways your voice can be heard. You can also cal lor write your federal lawmaker, that's an option as well.
Bill H.R 5795: Increase Funding for Recreational Trails:
Recently Representatives Peter Welch (VT-1), John Curtis (UT-3), Angie Craig (MN-2), Michael Simpson (ID-2), Ann Kuster (NH-2), and Chris Stewart (UT-2) introduced the Recreational Trails Program Full Funding Act of 2020, H.R. 5797. The legislation requires the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to provide a revised estimate of the gas taxes paid by recreators and to update that amount at least every five years. The program is funded through taxes paid on gasoline used to fuel motorcycles, ATVs, side-by-sides, snowmobiles, and other recreational activities. The RTP program is currently funded at $84 million annually, which is substantially less than the amount of taxes paid on fuel used by recreators.For more than a quarter-century the RTP has provided funding for recreational trail development and maintenance across all 50 states and the District of Columbia, with more than 25,000 projects across the nation since its inception. "The Recreational Trails Program has created countless opportunities for motorized recreation and human-powered experiences," said Rep. Curtis. "This bill will ensure that future generations get to visit the great outdoors, while supporting local economies and jobs, especially throughout rural areas."

The legislation also establishes reporting of Financial Management Information System (FEMIS) Codes in order to provide additional transparency into projects funded and ensure that the principles of the 30% motorized, 30% non-motorized, and 40% mixed-use are being met. The FHWA will be allowed to keep up to $1.5 million annually to administer the program and maintain recreational trail-facilities for both non-motorized and motorized recreational uses. The FHWA will also develop a formula for distributing RTP funds whereby half of the total RTP funds are divided equally among the 50 states (and D.C.), and then the other half is apportioned to them based on the portion of off-highway gas tax paid by that state's users. Finally, the legislation provides for an immediate increase in RTP funding to the greater of either $250 million or the latest non-highway recreational fuel study as required by this legislation.

Take the RTP quiz here to test your knowledge and we urge you to write your member of Congress and ask them to support H.R. 5797. Upon introducing the bill, Reps. Welch and Curtis took a moment to discuss their passion for the great outdoors and why they introduced the Recreational Trails Program Funding Act.

The RTP is an ARRA top priority and is critical for the continued development and maintenance of trails across the country for motorcycles, ATVs, and side-by-sides.

Click Here and Take Action
Annual Meeting Room Update:
We have had many calls and emails about the rooming situation in Steven's Point. Unfortunately rooms are hard to come by due to a state basketball tournament in town that we were unaware of. Our block at the Holiday Inn has already been filled. However we have been told that the other blocks at the hotel will be released on the 4th of March. So for those of you struggling to get rooms in Steven's Point, hotels that have blocks held for this tournament release them a month before the date of the event.
So hopefully starting he 4th of March the room situation will become less of an issue. 

  1580 Hits



Douglas County received a couple inches of fresh snow Monday night.

Currently ALL of Douglas County trails are open and in excellent condition! Get out and Enjoy the Trails!

It is critical that we respect the landowners who allow us to utilize their property.

We will provide updates as conditions change. Deer have been reported on trails so keep an eye out while traveling.

Please share this info with anyone that you believe would be interested…our goal is to inform as many trail riders as possible.

I have attached a trail map which outlines the open trails.


Trial 5 Groomed last week

Trial 5A Groomed last week

Trail 930 Groomed last week

Trail 935 Groomed last week

Trail 835 Groomed last week

Trial 925 Groomed last week

Trial 9 Groomed


Trail 35 (WRT north of Solon Springs)

Trail 35 (WRT south) Groomed

Trail 27B Groomed

Trail 27C Groomed last week

Trail41S Groomed

Trail 41B Groomed

Trail 217 Groomed

Trail 727 Groomed

Trail 17N Groomed

Trail 17S Groomed– Use caution on Creek crossings (South of Lower Eau Claire Lake)

Trail 7 Groomed last week

Trail 27 Groomed last week

Trail 3 Groomed

Trail 5 Groomed

Trail 41 WRT to the warming Shack Groomed(Watch for Logging)

Trail 541 Groomed

NE Quadrant Open Trails

Trail 1 Groomed Monday Feb 17
Trail 2 (TCC) Groomed Brule to Superior Sunday/Monday Feb 16/17
Trail 4 Groomed Brule to Warming Shelter, Monday Feb 17
Trail 6 Groomed Monday Feb 17
Trail 24 Groomed Monday Feb 17
Trail 27/27A Groomed Sunday Feb 16
Trail 35 (WRT) Grooming Tuesday, Feb 18
Trail 235 Groomed Monday, Feb 17

Some high traffic areas have developed scattered icy corners.
Groomers are avoiding the logging job between Hwy D and Trail 24. Use Trail 6 and the South Shore Grade Rd
Caution Watch for Logging:
On the west end of Trail 6. Truck traffic only.
On Trail 4 between Trail 6 and Hwy P. Trucks traffic only.
Logging operations with truck traffic on Trail 4 between Hwy D and Trail 24.


Gandy Dancer Trail Groomed (watch for deer crossing trail between Moen Rd and BB)

Saunders Grade Groomed

Wrenshall Grade Groomed

Trail 0 Groomed

Trail 28 Groomed

The Cross town connector Groomed

4/41 From the Warming shack west Groomed

Trail 4 Groomed

Douglas County Ski Trails

The service roads and parking lots are plowed. The Ski Trails where Groomed Friday February 14th. Ski Trails will be evaluated for condition and grooming later this week.

This report was prepared February 18th, 2020.

Please enjoy and Ride safe!

Clint Meyer

Park and Recreation Supervisor

Douglas County Forestry Department

  1518 Hits


Currently ALL of Douglas County trails are open and in excellent condition! Get out and Enjoy the Trails!

It is critical that we respect the landowners who allow us to utilize their property.

We will provide updates as conditions change. Deer have been reported on trails so keep an eye out while traveling.

Please share this info with anyone that you believe would be interested…our goal is to inform as many trail riders as possible.

I have attached a trail map which outlines the open trails.


Trial 5 Groomed

Trial 5A Groomed

Trail 930 Groomed

Trail 935 Groomed

Trail 835 Groomed

Trial 925 Groomed

Trial 9 Groomed


Trail 35 (WRT north of Solon Springs)

Trail 35 (WRT south) Groomed

Trail 27B Groomed

Trail 27C Groomed

Trail41S Groomed

Trail 41B Groomed

Trail 217 Groomed

Trail 727 Groomed

Trail 17N Groomed

Trail 17S Groomed– Use caution on Creek crossings (South of Lower Eau Claire Lake)

Trail 7 Groomed

Trail 27 Groomed

Trail 3 Groomed

Trail 5 Groomed

Trail 41 WRT to the warming Shack Groomed(Watch for Logging)

Trail 541 Groomed

NE Quadrant Open Trails

Trail 1 Groomed Thursday, Feb 13.
Trail 2 (TCC) West end groomed Sunday evening. East end groomed Thursday Feb 13.
Trail 4 Groomed Brule to Warming Shelter, Thursday Feb 13.
Trail 6 Groomed Thursday Feb 13.
Trail 24 Groomed Thursday, Feb 13.
Trail 27/27A Groomed Thursday Feb 13
Trail 35 (WRT) Groomed Tuesday, Feb 11.
Trail 235 Groomed Monday, Feb 11.

Some high traffic areas have developed scattered icy corners.
Groomers are avoiding the logging job between Hwy D and Trail 24. Use Trail 6 and the South Shore Grade Rd
Caution Watch for Logging:
On the west end of Trail 6. Truck traffic only.
On Trail 4 between Trail 6 and Hwy P. Trucks traffic only.
Logging operations with truck traffic on Trail 4 between Hwy D and Trail 24.


Gandy Dancer Trail Groomed (watch for deer crossing trail between Moen Rd and BB)

Saunders Grade Groomed

Wrenshall Grade Groomed

Trail 0 Groomed

Trail 28 Groomed

The Cross town connector Groomed

4/41 From the Warming shack west Groomed

Trail 4 Groomed

Douglas County Ski Trails

The service roads and parking lots are plowed. The Ski Trails where Groomed Friday February 14th. Ski Trails are in fair condition

This report was prepared February 14th, 2020.

Please enjoy and Ride safe!

Clint Meyer

Park and Recreation Supervisor

Douglas County Forestry Department

9182 East Hughes Ave.

Solon Springs, WI. 54873

Phone: (715) 378-2219

Fax: (715) 378-2807

Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  1698 Hits